
How much money should I actually be making out of my business right now?

What income is possible from my business or is this as good as it gets?

What size does it need to be in order to make the money I want?

What else should I be doing in my business to improve it from where it is now?
To help business owners answer these questions, we’ve purpose-built a software app to get answers…
So now we can tell you. We call it The Business Optimisor.
And here’s the reaction we’ve had from business owners so far…
“The number in ‘Productivity’ showed us $29,300 available over 12 months… in 8 months we’ve already found $58,600″
“It came up with 174k which sounded a bit high… We’ve introduced several strategies that have us on track for $274k in the first year”
Those are the clean ones…. others included “holy <#*?@%&*:> really?”
You get the picture…